The Garden

An exhibition in a kitchen garden. The artists investigate and challenge ideas connected to the kitchen garden. From very different artistic practices the projects relate to the kitchen garden - both as a specific, physical place, but also by putting it into a larger context as a part of the city, of the history, of the climate problem and of the big world where growing your own vegetables fulfils pretty different needs.
The exhibition plays with the kitchen garden as an exhibition space, transforming this garden-space of everyday life by changing its function and pushing the ideas of a traditional exhibition space.

The Garden takes place in the kitchen garden by the studio B-huset
H. C. Ørstedsvej 65 (baghuset), 1879 Frederiksberg C.

Sofie Hesselholdt and Vibeke Mejlvangs'
bleak garden gnomes haunts the raised beds, while a Danish flag with a black cross on a black background waves over the garden.

Learning Site does a talk on the 10th of Sept. about their art-project "House of Economy" - a weird house, slowly collapsing while it is composted and disintegrated by champignons growing on the inside of the walls. Learning Site also shows the social-realist film "Ingeborg Holm" (1913). It had a crucial effect on the poorhouse law in Sweden and the opening scene is set in an allotment garden.

Kit Carlsen
transforms the fence by the kitchen garden into a big flowery abstraction, consisting of crumpled paper put into the holes of the fence. The artwork resembles a close-up from one of Monets' paintings from his garden, just in a new and more fragile material.

Søren Martinsen
presents a series of photographs of Community Gardens in occupied building plots in New York. The artist has painted on to the photographs, so the drawings mix into the pictures and becomes a co-creator of the changeable processes of the gardens.

Anne Skole Overgaard
shows a painting meticulously depicting a flowering strawberry plant. The colours though, are pale and blue-toned, undermining the atmosphere of sunshine and of "The Good Life".

Saturday the 10th of Sept. 4 p.m.: Talk & film:
Learning Site by Rikke Luther and Cecilia Wendt tells about the art-project "House of Economy" which they did in Auckland. The work refers to the ever present possibility of collapse within all economic systems, but particularly those of contemporary financial capitalism. Learning Site also shows the film "Ingeborg Holm" from 1913 by Victor Sjöström. It is an early example of film and art, contributing to social change. Learning Site will also discuss the City Garden movements' wishes to make a change and discuss the way the concrete action of growing plants gets new meanings as a result of the climate changes.

The exhibition is curated by Anne Skole Overgaard
Thanks to Katrine Skovgaard and Mette Nielsen.
The exhibition is supported by Frederiksberg kommunes eventpulje
Anne Skole Overgaards project is supported by Statens Kunstråds Billedkunstudvalg.

Marble Window Letters
Station to station
First out - then in
Evening Fields
Altrove / Elsewhere
Drawing Biennale Zeichen setzen
Niche - billboard
Reality (within)
Railroad Overpass
Houses and Trees
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
1 book 2 paintings & 53 drawings
The Garden

Niche - watercolor
Houses, Italy
Tiled floor, New York

Houses, Italy
Rostock - Berlin
The artist's wife. After L. A. Ring

Woodcut - process
Photos from Siberia...

Catalogue: Houses and Trees
My Good Life - Book

Winter Kfuk residence hall


Copyright © Anne Skole OvergaardRyparken 212 København ØMobil: 28 _76 04 54