In the garden door. The artist's wife. Karrebæksminde.
After L. A. Ring
Pencil on paper 191 x 144 cm
The drawing was exhibited at the groupshow
"I", Aarhus Art Building
and "Summer", the exhibition space Sydhavn Station.
With pencil I have copied the painting
by L. A. Ring "In the garden door. The artist's wife. Karrebæksminde."
from 1897.
By copying the painting today, I play with ideas
of gender and how works often are interpreted with the artist's
life as starting point.
This discussion was also raised by the original,
because the artist's wife looks pregnant in the painting, but
their first child was born 2 years later.
L. A. Ring often painted humans on the edge between
two rooms and two states.
See detail from the