Mette Moestrup:
- is reading from "Die, lie, die".
The different voices of the texts are emphasized by the performative, rythmical and singing way of reading.
EXHIBITIONS Marble Window Letters Station to station First out - then in Landscape Evening Fields Altrove / Elsewhere Drawing Biennale Zeichen setzen Niche - billboard Reality (within) Bahnüberführung Railroad Overpass Houses and Trees GAU Travel Spring Summer Autumn Winter 1 book 2 paintings & 53 drawings The Garden PAINTING Niche - watercolor Houses, Italy Olive Curtain Tiled floor, New York Rhubarb DRAWINGS Houses, Italy Rostock - Berlin Snow The artist's wife. After L. A. Ring GRAPHICS AND PHOTOGRAPHY Reed Woodcut - process Trees Photos from Siberia... ARTISTS' BOOKS Catalogue: Houses and Trees Disaster My Good Life - Book COMMISSIONS Winter Kfuk residence hall CV ARCHIVE FRONTPAGE DANSK