My space 30/5 - 30/7 2006
The work is shown at the exhibition "Womans space"
at Galerie Møllerwitt in Århus, September 2006.
I relate to the exhibitions title "Womans space" in a
very specific way; all right, I'm a woman, so the work describes
my space during two months. It consists of 100 drawings and texts
made during a travel in Finland in June and July.
The drawings and the texts have shaped the work day by day, in a
proces, just like a travel where you don't know in advance what
you have experienced in the end.
The drawings and texts are hung in a way where you see them in relation
to each other, as one big picture, and at the same time as 100 small,
very different pictures. It shows how the specific and the general
is part of the same.
Both gender and body and landscape painting and tourism
have something to do with "nature and culture", a complex
mix that you can't really sort out.
As an example, techno-raves in the forests, pilgrimage
and eco-tourism is related, because you seek the ecstatic, the religious
or the unique nature-experience by exercising your body in the nature.
All 100 drawings and texts 