The right way

Anne Skole Overgaard and Camilla Rasborg

The exhibition was shown at Galerie Møllerwitt 3. October – 1. November 2008.

The title The right way is a humorous comment on the way both persons and society hands out solutions and rules, assurances, short cuts and guides to get it easy, get on, get rid of the problems or the things you don’t like – what is too complex, messy and confusing.

Anne Skole Overgaard shows new paintings, which is a series of aesthetic and cultural extracts from a stay in Sibiria. Camilla Rasborg presents constructed realities in a series of new tableaux consisting of photo-collage in glass show-cases.

The paintings of Anne Skole Overgaard depicts decorative surfaces from everyday rooms in Irkutsk in Sibiria. A completely golden painting describes a section from a patterned golden wallpaper in a living-room.
The paintings show some different rules of good taste than the Scandinavian simplicity and Puritanism. But they also work as complicated patterns, where the eyes can get lost and you can loose direction and forget your thoughts.

A short text by each painting describes among other things the rules that suddenly get visible in a different culture, all the way from grammar to clothing. A painting with a kitch-constructivist pattern from bedlinen, is loaded with additional meaning by the supplementary text, turning the painting into an aesthetic metaphor for “the game between man and woman”. The kind of indirect communication, that can be hard to figure out, even in a familiar culture.

Camilla Rasborg shows the series Resistance, which takes as a starting point a state of doubt and “non-control”. The works consists of photos of “nature”, from the shielding window sill to the rainbow behind the neighbours hedge and public parks covered in ice. The scenographic tableaux refer to a Danish Symbolist tradition with a subjective approach to the landscape, depicting a mental pictorial space.

The constructed landscape photographies are made by complex computer-manipulation and afterward the photos are cut out by hand, and turned into 3-dimensional reliefs. The eye meets visual and spatial resistance in the reliefs both disorientating and familiar space. The works are about the resistance we meet when we percept and interpret our surroundings.

Anne Skole Overgaard (b. 1980) and Camilla Rasborg (b. 1974) both graduated from the Jutland Art Academy in Århus.

The production of the exhibition is supported by The Danish Art Council, The Council of Cultural Development in Århus, Lund and Bugges’ grant and Gerhard Hennings grant.


Lamp School of Meditation
My Good Life - etchings

Drawings by the Sea
Drawings Siberia

The Right Way

The feeling of not to know
The Colour of Sparetime

My space 30/5 - 30/7 2006
Platform 6 (10:1)

Sunset in Vestergade
Blue Flower
Blue Flower - ARK

Chequered tablecloth


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Copyright © Anne Skole OvergaardRyparken 212 København ØMobil: 28 _76 04 54